Teresita Padilla-Benavides, PhD Principal Investigator.
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry Department
College of Integrative Sciences
Wesleyan Student SACNAS Chapter Advisor
ASBMB Maximizing Access Committee Member
Editorial roles:
Associate Editor. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
Associate Editor. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports
Associate Editor. Frontiers in Chemistry, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences and Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology; Cellular Biochemistry section.
Past positions:
2020. Research Assistant Professor. University of Massachusetts Medical School. Worcester, MA.
2018. Instructor. University of Massachusetts Medical School. Worcester, MA.
2017. Adjunct Professor. Mount Ida College. Newton, MA.
2016. Postdoctoral fellow. University of Massachusetts Medical School. Worcester, MA.
2014. Postdoctoral fellow. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA.
2010. Graduate student. Centro de Investigacion y Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politecnico Nacional. Mexico City, Mexico.
2003-2010. Adjunct Professor Universidad Tecnologica de Mexico.
2004. BSc. Biology. Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biologicas. Instituto Politecnico Nacional. Mexico City, Mexico.
Email: tpadillabena@wesleyan.edu
ORCID Account
Google scholar: Teresita Padilla-Benavides
Postdoctoral fellows

Dr. Monserrat Olea-Flores
Visiting Postdoctoral scholar from the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
Recent publications: Recent publications:
1) Monserrat Olea-Flores, Tapan Sharma, Odette Verdejo-Torres, Imaru DiBartolomeo, Paul Thompson, Teresita Padilla-Benavides, and Anthony N. Imbalzano. Muscle-specific pyruvate kinase isoforms, PKM1 and PKM2, regulate mammalian SWI/SNF proteins and histone 3 phosphorylation during myoblast differentiation. The FASEB Journal. 38 (11): e23702
2) Teresita Padilla-Benavides, Monserrat Olea-Flores, Tapan Sharma, Sabriya A. Syed, Hanna Witwicka, Miriam Zuniga Eulogio, Kexin Zhang, Napoleon Navarro-Tito, and Anthony N. Imbalzano. 2023. Differential Contributions of mSWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeler Sub-Families to Myoblast Differentiation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(14), 11256.
3) Tapan Sharma, Monserrat Olea-Flores, and Anthony N. Imbalzano. 2023. Regulation of the Wnt signaling pathway during myogenesis by the mammalian SWI/SNF ATPase BRG1. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, Vol. 11.
4) May T. Maung, Alyssa Carlson, Monserrat Olea-FLores, Lobna Elkhadragy, Kyle Schachtschneider, Napoleon Navarro-Tito, and Teresita Padilla-Benavides. 2021. Molecular basis of copper dysregulation and its relationship with human pathologies. FASEB Journal. 35: e21810.
5) Teresita Padilla-Benavides, Monserrat Olea-Flores, Yaje Nshanji, May T. Maung, Sabriya A. Syed, and Anthony N. Imbalzano. 2022. Differential requirements for different subfamilies of the mammalian SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling enzymes in myoblast cell cycle progression and expression of the Pax7 regulator. BBA – Gene Regulatory Mechanisms.
Past positions:
2020. PhD in Biomedical Sciences. Facultad Académica de Ciencias Químico Biológicas. Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero.
2017-2018. Adjunct Professor. Cell culture lecture and lab. Facultad Académica de Ciencias Químico Biológicas. Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero. Mexico
2015. MSc. Biomedical Sciences. Facultad Académica de Ciencias Químico Biológicas. Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero.
2015-2016 Laboratory Assistant. Laboratorio de Toxicología y Salud Ambiental. Facultad Académica de Ciencias Químico Biológicas. Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero. Mexico
2013. BSc. Biological chemistry and parasitology. Facultad Académica de Ciencias Químico Biológicas. Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero. Mexico.
Email: Monserrat.OleaFlores@umassmed.edu
ORCID Account
Graduate Students MB&B

MSc. Jaime Carrazco-Carrillo
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, PhD student
Past positions:
2016. Master in Science. Biomedicine and Molecular Biotechnology. Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biologicas (ENCB-IPN), Mexico City, Mexico
2014. Bachelor in Science. Biology, specialty in Biotechnology. Universidad de Sonora, Campus Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico
2014. Laboratory Teaching Assistant. Courses: Biochemistry and Cell Biology and Genetics. Universidad Tecnologica de Mexico, Atizapan Campus. Atizapan, Estado de Mexico, Mexico
2012. International Student Exchange. Bachelor in Science. Cellular and Molecular Biology Major. Mount Royal University, Calgary, Canada
Recent publications:
1) Verdejo-Torres, O., Klein, D.C., Novoa-Aponte, L., Carrazco-Carrillo, J., Bonilla-Pinto, D., Rivera, A., Bakhshian, A., Fitisemanu, F., Jiménez-González, M.L., Flinn, L., Pezacki, A.T., Lanzirotti, A., Ortiz-Frade, L.A., Chang, C.J., Navea, J.G., Blaby-Haas, C., Hainer, S.J., Padilla-Benavides, T. 2024 Cysteine Rich Intestinal Protein 2 is a copper-responsive regulator of skeletal muscle differentiation and metal homeostasis. Preprint at Biorxiv: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.04.10.588959v1 . PLOS Genetics 20(12): e1011495. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1011495
2) Baez-Gonzalez, A.S., Carrazco-Carrillo, J.A., Figueroa-Gonzalez, G., Quintas-Granados, L.I., Padilla-Benavides, T.*, & Octavio Reyes-Hernandez*. 2023. Functional effect of indole-3 carbinol in the viability and invasive properties of cultured cancer cells. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports, Latin America special edition.
3) Carlson, A., Carrazco-Carrillo, J.A., Loder, A., Elkhadragy, L., Schachtschneider, K.M., and Padilla-Benavides, T. 2022. The Oncopig as an emerging model to investigate copper regulation in cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23 (22), 14012.
2022. Scholarship to attend to the 2022 SACNAS pre-conference 1st annual C.O.L.O.R. retreat in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2016. Honorable Mention. Master in Science Thesis. ENCB-IPN. Mexico
2016. Research Fellowship, Mexican National Research Council. Mexico
2013. Research Fellowship, Mexican Academy of Sciences. Mexico
Email: jcarrazcoca@wesleyan.edu

Andrea S. Baez-Gonzalez
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, PhD student
Past positions:
2023. Bachelor in Science. Biology. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
Recent publications:
1) Villegas-Vazquez, E.Y., Marín-Carrasco, F.P., Reyes-Hernández, O.D., Baez-Gonzalez, A.S., Bustamante-Montes, L.P., Padilla-Benavides, T., Quintas-Granados, L.I., Figueroa-González, G. 2024. Revolutionizing Ovarian Cancer Therapy by Drug Repositioning for Accelerated and Cost-Effective Treatments. 2024. Frontiers in Oncology. Sec. Molecular and Cellular Oncology. Vol. 14
2) Baez-Gonzalez, A.S., Carrazco-Carrillo, J.A., Figueroa-Gonzalez, G., Quintas-Granados, L.I., Padilla-Benavides, T.*, & Octavio Reyes-Hernandez*. 2023. Functional effect of indole-3 carbinol in the viability and invasive properties of cultured cancer cells. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports, Latin America special Awards:
2022 Scholarship: Becas UNAM-DGECI Iniciación a la Investigación to visit the Padilla-Benavides lab, Wesleyan University, CT, USA
2021 Scholarship Fortalecimiento Lingüístico Académico UNAM @ Texas, San Antonio, TX, USA
2021. XXVII Scholar Research Forum in Biology April 2021. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza. UNAM, Mexico
2020. XXVI Scholar Research Forum in Biology November 2020. Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza. UNAM, Mexico
Email: abaezgonzale@wesleyan.edu
PhD Rotation Students

Emma Gerace
Bachelor in Science, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Past positions:
2024. Research Associate Scientist. Research Assistant – Srimathveeravalli Laboratory. Amherst, MA.
2024. Supplemental Instructor – UMass LRC, Amherst, MA.
2024. Member – iCONS Program at UMas2024. Member – iCONS Program at UMass. Amherst, MA.
2024 Vice President – Association of Women in Science (AWIS).
2024. Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society and Commonwealth Honors College.
Email: egerace@wesleyan.eduegerace@wesleyan.edu

Arianna McDaniels
Bachelor of Arts, Biology. Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY.
Past positions:
2024. Research Associate Scientist. AtlasXomics, New Haven, CT.
2021. Medical Sciences Teaching Assistant. West Haven High School | West Haven, CT.
2021. Undergraduate Researcher, Possidente & Sheppard Labs. Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY. 2018 Biology Lab Intern. Gendron Lab. Yale University, New Haven, CT.
2021. Skidmore Career & Development post-grad award.
2017-2021. S3M Scholar, Skidmore College.
2021. SGA leadership award.
2018-2019. Skidmore College Summer Research Grant
2017. OHSSP Early College Spring Semester University of New Haven
2016. Yale Student Summer Research Institute.
2016-2017. Early College Program, University of New Haven.
2015. Early College Program, Southern Connecticut State University.
Recent publications:
1) Kartiganer, Z., Rojas, G., Riccio, M., Tyree, A., Noronha, K., Wetzel, M., Barnett, J., McGann, J., Garbarino, J., Massucci, D., Chafi, N., Decker, S., McDaniels, A., Sabina, J., Levchenko, D., Perez, J., Ng, C., Wang, K. 2023. Improved Cell-Type Identification and Comprehensive Mapping of Regulatory Features with Spatial Epigenomics 96-Channel Microfluidic Platform. GEN Biotechnology, Vol. 2, No.6.
2) McDaniels, A. & Sheppard, K. 2020. Resurrection of Ancestral Aspartyl‐tRNA Synthetases. The FASEB Journal, 34(S1), 1–1.
Email: amcdaniels@wesleyan.edu
Master Students

Arpie Bakshian
Bachelor of Arts, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry. Minors: Chemistry, Eastern European Studies, 2024 Class.
Past positions:
2023. Undergraduate researcher, MacQueen lab, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT.
2022. Undergraduate researcher, Blander lab, Weill Cornell Medical College, Jill Roberts Institute, New York, NY.
2024. Scholarship to attend to the 2022 SACNAS pre-conference 3rd annual C.O.L.O.R. retreat in Phoenix AZ.
2023. Research in the Sciences Summer Fellowship, Wesleyan University
2020. Third Place in Biomedical Sciences Category at Long Island Science and Engineering Fair
Recent publications:
1) Verdejo-Torres, O., Klein, D.C., Novoa-Aponte, L., Carrazco-Carrillo, J., Bonilla-Pinto, D., Rivera, A., Bakhshian, A., Fitisemanu, F., Jiménez-González, M.L., Flinn, L., Pezacki, A.T., Lanzirotti, A., Ortiz-Frade, L.A., Chang, C.J., Navea, J.G., Blaby-Haas, C., Hainer, S.J., Padilla-Benavides, T. 2024 Cysteine Rich Intestinal Protein 2 is a copper-responsive regulator of skeletal muscle differentiation and metal homeostasis. PLOS Genetics 20(12): e1011495. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1011495
Email: abakshian@wesleyan.edu
Undergraduate Students

Anand Parikh
Bachelor of Arts, Major: Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. 2025 Class.
Past positions:
2022. Assay Development Intern at Clear Lab
2021. Colby College. Bachelor of Science Degree Candidate, Computational Biology, ME
2021. R&D Intern, Aluna Health, Cambridge, MA.
2024. Research in the Sciences Summer Fellowship, Wesleyan University
Email: aparikh02@wesleyan.edu

Joseph DeLuca
Bachelor of Arts, Major Molecular Biology & Biochemistry & Religion. 2025 Class.
Past positions:
2024. Intern, Research Assistant, Chernoff Laboratory, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT
2023. Intern, University Hospital, Newark, NJ & Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine, Hackensack, NJ
2022. Intern, Ear Nose and Throat Center of New Jersey, Nutley, NJ
2021. Ophthalmic Assistant, DeLucaVision Consultants, Lyndhurst, NJ
Email: jdeluca@wesleyan.edu

Julissa Cruz-Bautista
Bachelor of Arts, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry and College in Integrative Sciences Majors. Molecular Biophysics minor. 2025 Class.
WesMaSS & McNair programs member
Past positions:
2024. Undergraduate researcher. Etson Lab, Wesleyan University
2024. Undergraduate researcher. De La Cruz Lab, Yale University. New Haven, CT.
2023. Research Assistant. Juarez & Oliveira Labs. Community Health Center. Middletown, CT.
2023. Research in the Sciences Summer Fellowship, Wesleyan University.
2022. ABRCMS Conference. Winner of the Poster Presentation Award in Biophysics.
2023. Biophysical Society Conference travel award.
Email: jbautistacru@wesleyan.edu

Denzel Bonilla-Pinto
Bachelor of Arts, Prospective major: Molecular Biology and Biochemistry & Neuroscience and Behavior. 2026 Class.
WesMaSS Member
Past positions:
2022 Volunteer, FBLA – Future Business Leaders of America, Benjamin O. Davis High School.
2022 President, French Honor Society, Benjamin O. Davis High School
Recent publications:
1) Verdejo-Torres, O., Klein, D.C., Novoa-Aponte, L., Carrazco-Carrillo, J., Bonilla-Pinto, D., Rivera, A., Bakhshian, A., Fitisemanu, F., Jiménez-González, M.L., Flinn, L., Pezacki, A.T., Lanzirotti, A., Ortiz-Frade, L.A., Chang, C.J., Navea, J.G., Blaby-Haas, C., Hainer, S.J., Padilla-Benavides, T. 2024 Cysteine Rich Intestinal Protein 2 is a copper-responsive regulator of skeletal muscle differentiation and metal homeostasis. Preprint at Biorxiv: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.04.10.588959v1. PLOS Genetics 20(12): e1011495. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1011495
2023. Research in the Sciences Summer Fellowship, Wesleyan University
2021. QuestBridge National College Match Scholarship Recipient
Email: dbonillapint@wesleyan.edu

Kavya Panjwami, Visiting undergraduate student Mukerji lab
Bachelor of Arts: Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. 2026 Class.
2024. Research in the Sciences Summer Fellowship, Wesleyan University
Email: kpanjwani@wesleyan.edu

Alexis Gerwe
Bachelor of Arts: Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. Art History Minor. 2027 Class.
Past positions:
2023. Captain and Member, American School in London Rowing Team, London, UK.
2023. Electronics and Integration Lead, ASL Robotics, London, UK.
2023. Advanced Research, American School in London, London, United Kingdom
Email: agerwe@wesleyan.edu

Hugh Hamilton Tevis
Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience & Biology Majors and Chemistry minor. 2027 Class.
2025. Certification Connecticut EMT Responder
Wesleyan Men’s Varsity Lacrosse & Wrestling
Past positions:
2022. Shadowing Dr. Amy Wasterlain, Orthopedics. Middlesex Hospital
2023. Choate Rosemary Hall International Student Mentor & Prefect, Wallingford, CT
2023. Founder & President Choate Rosemary Hall Fishing Club, Wallingford, CT
Email: htevis23@wesleyan.edu

Miki J. Lynch
Prospective Major Biology. 2027 Class.
Doula, Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, Hartford CT
Past positions:
2024. Research Assistant, Weir Lab at Wesleyan University, Middletown CT
2024. Writer, Wesleyan University Inclusion in STEM Initiative, Middletown CT
2024. Teaching fellow, National Education Equity Lab and Wesleyan Univerisity, Middletown CT
2023. Intern, Nala Women, Manila, Philippines
2023. Volunteer, Regen Lab, University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines 2023.
2023. President, International School Manila Women’s Health Advocacy Club, Manila, Philippines
2023. Volunteer, Kahon Ng Karunhan (student-led NGO), Manila, Philippines
Email: mjlynch@wesleyan.edu
Visiting Scholars
Opportunities for international students are available
High School Students
Opportunities for creative and proactive volunteer high schoolers are always available. You must be over 16 YO to apply.